Особистий кабінет

This privacy policy of the information provided (hereinafter - “policy”) is approved by the administration of the service “leika.pro” (hereinafter - “administration”), and applies to all users of the service (hereinafter - “users”), when using in any way the site, which is located on the Internet at: http://leika.pro (hereinafter - “service” and “site”). The use of the service means that the user unconditionally agrees with this policy and the terms and conditions of processing the information provided by the user. In case of disagreement with these conditions, the user must refrain from using the service.

1. Types of information provided by users.

1.1 The service receives the following information from users:

1.1.1. Data that the user independently indicates when registering as a client on the service website;

1.1.2. Data that are automatically transferred in the process of viewing advertising blocks and visiting pages on which the statistical script of the system (“pixel”) is installed:
Ip address;
Cookie information;
Information about the browser (or other program that accesses the display of advertisements);
Access time;
Address of the page where the ad block is located;
Referrer (address of the previous page);

1.2 The administration of the service does not check the reliability of the information provided by users in accordance with paragraph 1.1.1. of this policy, and does not control their legal capacity. However, the administration of the service assumes that the user provides reliable and sufficient information on the issues offered in the registration forms, and keeps this information up to date.

1.3 You can refuse to collect personal information by changing the appropriate settings in your browser.

2. Purposes of collection and processing of information provided by users.

2.1 The Service collects and stores only that information which is necessary for providing the service to the user (execution of agreements and contracts with the user).

2.2 The Service uses the information it collects for the following purposes:

2.2.1 Identification of the user within the framework of agreements and contracts with the service, provision of personal services to the user on the service website;

2.2.2 Display more relevant and interesting for the user advertising, targeting advertising materials by geographical criteria, interests and other parameters.

2.3 The user can change (update, supplement) the information provided in paragraph 1.1.1. of this policy at any time. To do this, the user must authorize on the site and make the necessary changes in the personal cabinet.

2.4 The information provided in paragraph of this policy is absolutely anonymous and is used solely for the purpose of improving the quality of service and marketing purposes. The user at any time can refuse the collection of this information by the service by applying the appropriate settings of the browser, which allows you to refuse the installation of cookies (perhaps, as a result, the user will not be able to fully utilize all the features of the service site). If the user does not refuse the use of cookies, the service will send a cookie when the user accesses the service site.

3. Conditions of processing and storage of the information provided by the user, cases of its transfer to third parties.

3.1 The Service takes all reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect the information provided by users from illegal or accidental access to it, from destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions with it of third parties.

3.2 Users understand and agree that the service cannot provide a guarantee of absolute protection of the information provided by users and guarantee of absolute security of communications between users and the service. The user realizes and agrees that the information posted by him/her may be used by search or other automated services and by other means.

3.3 The user is responsible for keeping his/her login/password secret from third parties and timely replacing the password or contacting the service support service in case of password loss or disclosure.

3.4 The user's personal information is kept confidential, except for the cases when the user voluntarily provides information about himself/herself for public access to an unlimited number of persons.

3.5 The administration of the service has the right to transfer the information provided by the user to third parties in the following cases:

3.5.1. The user has expressed his/her consent to such actions;

3.5.2 The transfer is necessary within the framework of the user's use of the service or to provide a service to the user;

3.5.3 The transfer is provided for by Ukrainian or other applicable law within the procedure established by law;

3.5.4 Such transfer occurs as part of a sale or other transfer of business (in whole or in part), and the transferee shall assume all obligations to comply with the terms of this policy in relation to the information received by it;

3.5.5 To ensure that the rights and legitimate interests of the service can be protected.

3.5.6. Data transfer is necessary within the framework of cooperation of the service administration in relation to the service with counterparties, clients, contractors and other persons.

4. policy change. Applicable Law.

4.1 The Service has the right to make changes to this policy. The new edition of the policy comes into force from the moment of its posting, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the policy. The current edition is always on the page at http://leika.pro/ua/privacy.

4.2 The legislation of Ukraine shall be applied to this policy and relations between the user and the administration of the service, arising in connection with the application of the policy and the use of the service.

5. Feedback.

5.1 All suggestions or questions regarding this policy should be sent to the service support service to the following e-mail address: support@leika.pro.